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Gopher: FA.info-cpm

 *   Re: CPM vs **NIX--Re: More on the CP/M vs Unix talkplain
 *   APPLE MODEM Programsplain
 *   Cease fire!plain
 *   Housecleaning timeplain
 *   INFO-CPM Archives Archivedplain
 *   MARC Infoplain
 *   MC:CPM; Reorganizedplain
 *   MODEM for TOPS-20.plain
 *   My last query - help with TRS80/CPMplain
 *   Recent Tidbitsplain
 *   TRS-80 Model 2 MODEM.ASM equates neededplain
 *   [W8SDZ: Phone number/download]plain
 *   [W8SDZ: forwarded]plain
 *   [William.Sholar: MODEM working!!]plain
 *   for Applesplain
 *  81.05.14_ucbvax.1348_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.05.19_ucbvax.1363_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.05.19_ucbvax.1366_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.05.26_ucbvax.1414_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.05.30_ucbvax.1457_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.06_ucbvax.1547_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.07_ucbvax.1549_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.07_ucbvax.1550_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.07_ucbvax.1551_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.07_ucbvax.1552_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.08_ucbvax.1561_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.09_ucbvax.1567_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.10_ucbvax.1601_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.11_ucbvax.1632_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.14_ucbvax.1739_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.22_ucbvax.1829_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.22_ucbvax.1836_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  81.06.28_ucbvax.1977_fa.info-cpmplain
 *  A safe public USER 0 for .COM files patch for CP/M 2.2plain
 *  An Editor Philosophyplain
 *  CARRY12.ASMplain
 *  CCP patches for remote CP/Mplain
 *  CDOS filter for CP/Mplain
 *  CP/M and UNIXplain
 *  CP/M vs **NIX in the Office Environmentplain
 *  CP/M's ED.COM and where it should be put...plain
 *  Chart of killed registers by functionplain
 *  Converting to 48k systemplain
 *  Correction to new SD program nameplain
 *  D-26 replaced by D-27plain
 *  DMA address findingplain
 *  DMA address questionplain
 *  Data Base Programsplain
 *  Editing large CP/M filesplain
 *  Editing large files on CP/Mplain
 *  Equates for TRS80 for modem.asmplain
 *  Format and Copy programsplain
 *  Forwarded: BDOS-PAT problemsplain
 *  Forwarded: Patches for CP/M 2.2 backspaceplain
 *  Joining UNIX-CPM at Udelplain
 *  Lubrication of floppy disk drivesplain
 *  MODEM for TOPS-10plain
 *  Microsoft FTN problem -- Y/N questionsplain
 *  More on the CP/M vs Unix talkplain
 *  More on the CP/M vs Unix talkplain
 *  Need help with Penril 212-A modemplain
 *  New list of remote CP/M systemsplain
 *  New list of remote CP/M systemsplain
 *  New phone number listplain
 *  New version of D.ASMplain
 *  New version of SD directory programplain
 *  New version of XMODEMplain
 *  Oops...plain
 *  PLINK63.ASMplain
 *  Please disregard my last questionplain
 *  RCPMLISTplain
 *  RS-232 FTP at 9600 baudplain
 *  Re: CP/M vs **NIX in the Office Environmentplain
 *  Re: CP/M vs UNIXplain
 *  Re: CPM vs **NIX--Re: More on the CP/M vs Unix talkplain
 *  Re: CPM vs **NIX--Re: More on the CP/M vs Unix talkplain
 *  Re: Shall we set up a new group Re: CPM vs **NIX?plain
 *  Re: TeleVideo Terminal control codes neededplain
 *  Re: UNIX on a microplain
 *  Re: Using DC Hayes modem at 450 baudplain
 *  Request for assistance (HELP!)plain
 *  Request for assistance (HELP!)plain
 *  Response to Berkeley (1)plain
 *  S-100 memory board for saleplain
 *  SD directory program updatedplain
 *  SQ/USQ/FLS source code file errorsplain
 *  SQ/USQ/FLS updatedplain
 *  Saving money on F80 and M80plain
 *  Search first/next questionplain
 *  Shall we set up a new group Re: CPM vs **NIX?plain
 *  TERM II and HLP Filesplain
 *  Update of Universal FINDBAD programplain
 *  Using DC Hayes modem at 450 baudplain
 *  XSUB problemplain
 *  Z8000 Assembler neededplain
 *  assemblerplain
 *  bugs in SUBMIT/XSUBplain
 *  ehuang's complaintplain
 *  submit problems ...plain
 *  suggested enhancement to MODEM206plain
 *  unix vs. cp/mplain
 *  xsub as solution to submit problemsplain

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