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Gopher: NET.applic

 *  Bug in Berkeley FP primitivesplain
 *  FFP program analysisplain
 *  LCF and similarsplain
 *  Languagesplain
 *  Net.applic spec. interest grp. for applicative lang./arch.plain
 *  Pascal, Relational DBMS, WP, Inform. Retr., /usr/group info?plain
 *  Re: functional machinesplain
 *  Some applicative languagesplain
 *  VAX PROLOGplain
 *  VAX PROLOGplain
 *  What are they for?plain
 *  Where did it go?plain
 *  Where did it go?plain
 *  annotated bibliographyplain
 *  data structures for functional languagesplain
 *  dataflow machinesplain
 *  functional languagesplain
 *  functional languagesplain
 *  functional machinesplain
 *  identifiers in FPplain
 *  net.applic clarificationplain
 *  net.applic- time for some activityplain
 *  new FP interpreter availableplain
 *  parallel algorithmsplain

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