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Gopher: NET.bugs.v7

 *  "holes" in directoriesplain
 *  (unsigned)charplain
 *  (unsigned)char againplain
 *  (unsigned)char explainedplain
 *  /bin/sh bugplain
 *  Another C compiler bugplain
 *  C bug/featureplain
 *  C-library omissionplain
 *  DZ failure mishandlingplain
 *  Explicit fix for %= compiler bugplain
 *  Minor uucp fixplain
 *  Re: overflow in C revisitedplain
 *  Re: sizeof type botch (utzoo.1248)plain
 *  Re: uucp lossageplain
 *  Re: watmath.1776: uuxqt bug fixplain
 *  Tar bugplain
 *  another bug in PDP-11 'ld'plain
 *  c2plain
 *  c2plain
 *  casts and constantsplain
 *  colplain
 *  colplain
 *  cp misfeatureplain
 *  cpio bugplain
 *  cuplain
 *  dd featureplain
 *  dd feature, againplain
 *  disksort read/write orderplain
 *  du bugplain
 *  du vs big dirsplain
 *  error in tty(4) manual pageplain
 *  execeplain
 *  expr(1) misfeatureplain
 *  fix to fix to uucp bugplain
 *  fopen bugplain
 *  getgrent(3) manual page liesplain
 *  getlogin bugplain
 *  i_count too smallplain
 *  icheckplain
 *  inode access timeplain
 *  ioctl speed-code checkingplain
 *  kill -1 -1plain
 *  large mail messagesplain
 *  ld big-file bugplain
 *  ld returns uncleanlyplain
 *  ld vs huge a.outsplain
 *  ldiv bugplain
 *  ldiv bug fixplain
 *  ldiv/lrem on 23, ch.2plain
 *  ldiv/lrem on 44,23plain
 *  learn bugplain
 *  learn bugplain
 *  learn bugsplain
 *  lex bugsplain
 *  lint vs staticplain
 *  lock(2)plain
 *  mail bugplain
 *  mail speedupplain
 *  make(1) vs spacesplain
 *  man(7) @ bugplain
 *  misconception in uucicoplain
 *  mkconf bugplain
 *  mkfsplain
 *  non-I/D floating point, cont.plain
 *  non-I/D floating-pointplain
 *  overflow in C re-revisitedplain
 *  overflow in C revisitedplain
 *  plot -Tver temporaryplain
 *  plot(1,3) incompletenessesplain
 *  printfplain
 *  proc on qplain
 *  ptx bugplain
 *  ptx(1) obscurityplain
 *  pwd bugplain
 *  pwd vs permissionsplain
 *  ranlib bugsplain
 *  restor/dumpdir tempfilesplain
 *  serious uucp bugplain
 *  shell [mis?]featureplain
 *  shell bugfix bugfixplain
 *  shell mail checkingplain
 *  shell misfeatureplain
 *  signals vs uidsplain
 *  sizeof featureplain
 *  sizeof type botchplain
 *  spell(1) optionsplain
 *  stdio bufferingplain
 *  stdio bufferingplain
 *  su ps displayplain
 *  uucico hangingplain
 *  uucico time check wraparoundplain
 *  uucp (unsigned)charplain
 *  uucp break-sending speedplain
 *  uucp bugsplain
 *  uucp lossageplain
 *  uucp seqno wraparoundplain
 *  uucp seqno wrappingplain
 *  uucp'ing across more than one siteplain
 *  uuname buffer too smallplain
 *  uux bugplain
 *  uuxqt bugplain
 *  uuxqt bug fixplain
 *  uuxqt security holeplain
 *  v7 mail bugplain
 *  v7 mail bug revisited...plain
 *  versatec plot softwareplain
 *  wc verbosityplain
 *  why export shell variablesplain
 *  yacc libraryplain

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