Source Code Control System Questionaire | plain |
f77 compiler to generate overlay code | plain |
"Dijkstra and the USENET map" | plain |
"NewsNet" | plain |
"TED" a Unix editor. | plain |
'Tools' Newsgroup | plain |
(request) PERT and GANTT tools | plain |
/usr/group query | plain |
11/34 Unix | plain |
11/44 float bug | plain |
11/70 Real Time (?) Memory Map | plain |
1982 Symposium on Security and Privacy | plain |
2623.plot.pkg | plain |
2nd Followup on long .newsrc files | plain |
3-com | plain |
6502 compiler | plain |
6800 "C"? | plain |
6800 assembler | plain |
68000 SBCs | plain |
68000 code generator | plain |
68000 sbc reply | plain |
750 tu58 | plain |
8085 assembler for UNIX? | plain |
81.10.06_utzoo.1009_net.general | plain |
81.11.16_duke.1380_net.general | plain |
82.05.06_floyd.201_net.general | plain |
990/9900 Cross-compiler ? | plain |
A User Guide to the UNIX System | plain |
A driver for ... | plain |
A new newsgroup about wines and spirits | plain |
A note from the Boss up Nawth | plain |
A ski newsgroup? | plain |
ADE 512 query | plain |
ALGOL for UNIX | plain |
APL group formed | plain |
ARPA gateway | plain |
ARPAVAX Lost-Lines Bug | plain |
ARPAnet mail format standards | plain |
AT&T settles with Government | plain |
Acctng Pkg Info Wanted | plain |
Ada compiler for VAX | plain |
Ada compiler for VAX and PDP-11 | plain |
Administrative License? | plain |
An Audio Question | plain |
An explanation | plain |
Announcing net.lang.apl | plain |
Announcing utah-gr | plain |
Any curses users out there? | plain |
Anyone have a voting program?? | plain |
Apology re unc.1688: USENET map | plain |
Archive packing | plain |
Arpanet INFO-VAX list | plain |
Array Processors | plain |
Asms for 1802 or 9900 | plain |
Attention SCA members | plain |
Attn: curses.h users | plain |
Audio, Klipsch | plain |
Austin USENIX Conference Sumary | plain |
BASIC under UNIX? | plain |
BLFP and unix-cpm | plain |
BLFP distribution | plain |
BMD70 Host name change | plain |
BRL now on the Net | plain |
Bad English | plain |
Basic anyone? | plain |
Bell Labs Free Press | plain |
Bell Labs Free Press | plain |
Bell.whatever dead? | plain |
Berkeley Unix Path Pascal | plain |
Berkeley's Berknet problem resolved. | plain |
Better than Rogue | plain |
Bikers to USENIX | plain |
Bill Shannon Leaving? | plain |
Billy Joe McAllistar and Friends | plain |
Billy Joe McAllistar and Friends (allegra.200 followup) | plain |
Birding anyone? | plain |
Birding newsgroup | plain |
Book report | plain |
Book search | plain |
Bootleg copies of Human-nets Digest. | plain |
Breakthrough | plain |
Bronx H.S of Science Class '50 | plain |
Brown University - Are You There? | plain |
Brunix Are You There? | plain |
Bugs in refer | plain |
C Beautification | plain |
C Compiler | plain |
C Compiler Test Suite Query | plain |
C compiler documentation | plain |
CAD-CAM Software | plain |
CAI Software | plain |
CB radio | plain |
CIRES joins USENET | plain |
CMU VLSI proceedings | plain |
CMU VLSI proceedings, optical mouse | plain |
CRC-16 routine | plain |
CSNET info available? | plain |
CSRG | plain |
Cellular Automata anyone? | plain |
Censorship Discussions | plain |
Chromatics 7900 | plain |
Cincy goes on an austerity program | plain |
Clarkson College Alumni | plain |
Columbia Articles | plain |
Come on! | plain |
Commercial News | plain |
Commercial Unix time | plain |
Comp.Sci.Ed. newsgroup? | plain |
Computer Crime | plain |
Computer Graphics NOVA | plain |
Computer Song Appeal | plain |
Conferencing, Security, and Thinking | plain |
Confusion & The USENET Map | plain |
Consumer forum | plain |
Consumer forum reply to Andy | plain |
Copyrights and USENET - continued from net.space | plain |
Correction | plain |
Correction on Factorial Function | plain |
Cray C Compiler | plain |
D&D | plain |
DAEMON etymology | plain |
DAEMON etymology | plain |
DBMS | plain |
DEAFNet query | plain |
DEC WARS | plain |
DEC on Usenet | plain |
DEC to announce VAX 730 this month | plain |
DG 200 termcap | plain |
DMC hardware fix | plain |
DSW revisited | plain |
Database systems on Unix | plain |
Decree on net.mc | plain |
Defy rabbit riders! Defy suba scoopers! Create the following new group | plain |
Digital audio | plain |
Do you know the source? | plain |
Dr. Dijkstra speaks... | plain |
Dreaded Simultaneous creation of Newsgroups | plain |
EA6 ECM frequency band querry? | plain |
EMACS tutorial | plain |
EMACS tutorials needed | plain |
EUNICE query | plain |
EUNICE questionaire | plain |
EUNICE report | plain |
East Coast Bookseeler with the Intro to Unix Book | plain |
Employment | plain |
Emulax CS11 | plain |
Etomology of UNIX | plain |
Etymology of DAEMON | plain |
Eunice Newsgroup | plain |
Eunice news group | plain |
Ex documentation | plain |
Expanded memory from ABLE | plain |
Explanation please | plain |
FP cancelled | plain |
Factorial Query | plain |
Factorial Query | plain |
Factorial Query (repl. to mhtsa!research!sjb) | plain |
Fawlty Towers | plain |
Floating point info | plain |
Floyd will be offile for a few days | plain |
Foobar | plain |
Forcing uucp polls | plain |
Formation of net.railroad | plain |
Free speech, constitutional rights, and USENET | plain |
Freedom of the netwaves | plain |
From notesfile net.general at harpo | plain |
From notesfile net.general at uicsovax | plain |
From notesfile net.general at uicsovax | plain |
Functional Programming Language Implementation | plain |
Generators | plain |
German <---> English Dictionary | plain |
Give Us a Break! | plain |
Grammar | plain |
Grammar Response Digest | plain |
Grammar: one more | plain |
Graphic Plotter | plain |
Graphics Software Query | plain |
HCR: Where are you? | plain |
HELLO from uiucdcs | plain |
HELP | plain |
HELP! uucp run amuck! | plain |
HP2621B TERMCAP request | plain |
Happy Birthday | plain |
Hayes Smartmodem Help? | plain |
Hello Usenet | plain |
Hello World | plain |
Helvetica Fonts for Vtroff? | plain |
Hill Street Blues query | plain |
Home Office Deduction Calculation | plain |
Home Office Depreciation Answer | plain |
Home VCR's | plain |
How Long | plain |
How to reply to articles via mail? | plain |
Huh? | plain |
I need your sys files | plain |
I thought NET was dead? | plain |
IBM lan | plain |
IBM local net | plain |
IBM net | plain |
IEEE 488 bus on VAX | plain |
IEH-11 driver needed | plain |
ISAM for Unix | plain |
If Multics is UNIX' grandparent, what is its child's name? | plain |
Ignore this | plain |
Info needed on SI disk systems under 4.1 BSD | plain |
Info on PDP12 servicability | plain |
Informer info wanted | plain |
Intel 8048 | plain |
Intel 8051 | plain |
Interactive Text Formatter | plain |
Is U. of Penn. out there? | plain |
J Gosling Address? | plain |
Job posting | plain |
Joe Hunt's net address? | plain |
L. A. Times | plain |
LL(1) Grammar for Pascal? | plain |
List of Newsgroups | plain |
List or newsgroup of S users - data analysis | plain |
Local area network group | plain |
Local area network group | plain |
Local area networks | plain |
Loglan | plain |
Loglan | plain |
Loglan | plain |
Loglan | plain |
Loglan persons | plain |
Long .newsrc file | plain |
Long .newsrc file followup | plain |
Look what cat drug in... | plain |
Looking for 6809 Development Tools | plain |
Looking for a UNIX PASCAL | plain |
Looking for a netnews donor for Shasta | plain |
MESA Query | plain |
MH Mail Hooks in News | plain |
MHCC USENET Directory | plain |
MIT Jargon Dictionary | plain |
Mail interface to netnews | plain |
Mail interface to netnews | plain |
Mailers for Dec-10 | plain |
Mailers for a DEC-10 | plain |
Marshall Dodge (Bert and I) obituary | plain |
Math newsgroup? | plain |
Medicine newsgroup | plain |
Messages to the UK. | plain |
Misuse of ARPANET | plain |
Modem Encoding | plain |
Moderated Newsgroups | plain |
Modula-2 compiler needed | plain |
Modula-2 for Vax | plain |
Monopolies | plain |
Monopoly | plain |
Monopoly (followup) | plain |
More Truth about datamat!rumor | plain |
More on net.[motorcycle] | plain |
More questions | plain |
Multibus-Unibus Interface | plain |
NCAR | plain |
NCSU on USENET | plain |
NET.blfp newsgroup | plain |
Name for a newsgroup on spiritous liquors | plain |
Nationwide Access to a computer | plain |
Net.wines now exists | plain |
Netnews for non-Unix machines? | plain |
Netnews meets PLATO's notes - from a notesfile | plain |
Netnews sites in Conn. query | plain |
Network Balloting | plain |
Network Directory Suggestion | plain |
Network Map | plain |
New Bridge Newsgroup | plain |
New Disk Drive | plain |
New Members on the Net | plain |
New Newsgroup | plain |
New Newsgroup(?) net.opinion. | plain |
New Newsgroup, net.draw | plain |
New Newsgroup? | plain |
New Site | plain |
New Site Info | plain |
New USENET Site | plain |
New USENET site - watcgl | plain |
New Usenet Site | plain |
New Usenet Site | plain |
New Usenet Site | plain |
New netnews Site | plain |
New netnews Site | plain |
New news group (fa.railroad) | plain |
New newsgroup | plain |
New newsgroup | plain |
New proposed newsgroups | plain |
New site | plain |
New site | plain |
New site online | plain |
New sites | plain |
News Fixed and Group Query | plain |
News Site Official Entry Form | plain |
Newsgroup net.music | plain |
Non-discrimination is no joke | plain |
Old floating point bug | plain |
On the new group net.wordproc | plain |
One Newsgroup Per Article! | plain |
Origin of fubar | plain |
Origins of folk history | plain |
Overhead Slides anyone ? | plain |
PCL inquiry | plain |
PDP-11 Tools for the VAX | plain |
PERQ like display | plain |
PERT under Unix ? | plain |
PL/M to C? | plain |
PPC ROM | plain |
PSU on Usenet | plain |
Paging Fordham University... | plain |
Parts for old Dec. Machines | plain |
Pascal Plus | plain |
Pascal Plus | plain |
Pascal to C? | plain |
Path to Brown? | plain |
Performance benchmarks | plain |
Perkin Elmer Unix Info wanted | plain |
Phone Number Botch | plain |
Phone Number Botch | plain |
Physical Modeling Position | plain |
Please clean up the net | plain |
Please, no more foobar responses | plain |
Poor man's auto dialer | plain |
Position available | plain |
Possible ATC Strike | plain |
Printronix Software | plain |
Problems with refer, on-line bibliography | plain |
Prolog interpreter | plain |
Public Domain Dictionary? | plain |
Pur-phy new Usenet member | plain |
Query - old net.*bugs articles | plain |
Query on Cubic Spline function | plain |
Quote without comment | plain |
RCA Video IV | plain |
RE: Fubar | plain |
RE: net.jokes.q | plain |
RE: net.jokes.q at HOCC | plain |
RE: net.jokes.q at HOCC | plain |
RE: net.travel -- a new newsgroup | plain |
RE:Obnoxious Newlines in Mail | plain |
RM controllers | plain |
RUCP? | plain |
RX01 driver needed | plain |
Railroadiana | plain |
Re: UUCP Connection for discussion group UNIX-CPM@UDEL | plain |
Re: Where oh where....... | plain |
Re: newsgroup fa, net, etc. | plain |
Re: "Dijkstra and the USENET map" | plain |
Re: "Dijkstra and the USENET map" | plain |
Re: "NewsNet" | plain |
Re: 68000 SBCs | plain |
Re: A new newsgroup about wines and spirits | plain |
Re: Brunix Are You There? | plain |
Re: CSNET info available? | plain |
Re: Call for Speakers | plain |
Re: Consumer forum | plain |
Re: Consumer forum | plain |
Re: Contact user names - see net.news | plain |
Re: Correction on Factorial Function | plain |
Re: Encryption | plain |
Re: Factorial Query | plain |
Re: Factorial Query (repl. to mhtsa!research!sjb) | plain |
Re: Grammar9 | plain |
Re: Grammar: one more | plain |
Re: Graphic Plotter | plain |
Re: Home VCR's | plain |
Re: How long? | plain |
Re: I thought NET was dead? | plain |
Re: IBM net | plain |
Re: Local area networks | plain |
Re: Loglan | plain |
Re: Long .newsrc file | plain |
Re: Long .newsrc file | plain |
Re: Long .newsrc file followup | plain |
Re: Long .newsrc file followup | plain |
Re: Modula 2 compiler | plain |
Re: Monopoly | plain |
Re: New news group (fa.railroad) | plain |
Re: News Fixed and Group Query | plain |
Re: Non-discrimination is no joke | plain |
Re: Non-discrimination is no joke | plain |
Re: On the new group net.wordproc | plain |
Re: Prolog interpreter | plain |
Re: RE: net.jokes.q at HOCC | plain |
Re: Re foobar | plain |
Re: Re foobar | plain |
Re: Recomendations for Color Television (npois.109 followup) | plain |
Re: Terminal Rental in the Boston/Vermont Area | plain |
Re: Travelers' Newsgroup | plain |
Re: UNIX IIIs net.games net.news fa.info-terms msgs fa.tcp-ip | plain |
Re: USENET Directory | plain |
Re: USENIX & /usr/group co-meeting | plain |
Re: UUCP gateway | plain |
Re: Unibus Thermometer | plain |
Re: Usenix and /usr/group | plain |
Re: Video Vegetables | plain |
Re: Voltaire and freedom of speech (decvax!duke!bcw follow-up) | plain |
Re: WARNING: There is another system | plain |
Re: Want ads | plain |
Re: Want ads | plain |
Re: We are in the Autodialer Market | plain |
Re: What the...... | plain |
Re: Where oh where....... | plain |
Re: Wither Goes fa.unix-wizards? | plain |
Re: a new newsgroup to focus around "computer science education"? | plain |
Re: a new newsgroup to focus around "computer science education"? | plain |
Re: abreviating newsgroup names | plain |
Re: access to this network | plain |
Re: alice.252: net.limericks | plain |
Re: anarchism | plain |
Re: conspiracy! | plain |
Re: contact user names | plain |
Re: contact user names | plain |
Re: contact user names | plain |
Re: contact user names | plain |
Re: cooking newsgroup | plain |
Re: cooking newsgroup | plain |
Re: cooking newsgroup | plain |
Re: dead baby stories | plain |
Re: debugging microcode in writable control store | plain |
Re: decvax.182: Usenix and /usr/group | plain |
Re: democracy !fa.arms-d !fa.energy !fa.info-cpm !fa.poli-sci | plain |
Re: eiss.200: Etomology of UNIX | plain |
Re: freedom of the netwaves ? | plain |
Re: freedom of the netwaves ? | plain |
Re: freedom of the netwaves ? | plain |
Re: grammar | plain |
Re: grammar | plain |
Re: ihuxn.102: One Newsgroup Per Article! | plain |
Re: lime.118: Local area network group | plain |
Re: mh3bs.135: net.video??? | plain |
Re: mitccc.103: Re: "Dijkstra and the USENET map" | plain |
Re: mitccc.103: Re: "Dijkstra and the USENET map" | plain |
Re: more boring factorials, be forewarned | plain |
Re: more mess! | plain |
Re: more mess! | plain |
Re: net. vs fa. | plain |
Re: net.db, net.movies, etc. | plain |
Re: net.db, net.movies, etc. | plain |
Re: net.jokes.q at HOCC | plain |
Re: net.jokes.q at HOCC | plain |
Re: net.limericks | plain |
Re: net.limericks | plain |
Re: net.limericks | plain |
Re: net.misc group? | plain |
Re: net.misc group? | plain |
Re: net.sport.basketball | plain |
Re: new newsgroup | plain |
Re: new newsgroup | plain |
Re: new newsgroup | plain |
Re: new newsgroup for word processors | plain |
Re: new newsgroup for word processors | plain |
Re: new newsgroup for word processors | plain |
Re: new newsgroup for word processors | plain |
Re: new newsgroup for word processors | plain |
Re: new newsgroup for word processors | plain |
Re: paganism | plain |
Re: query about long unames | plain |
Re: query about long unames | plain |
Re: school.xxx | plain |
Re: softadm | plain |
Re: tekmdp.206: not.airheads | plain |
Re: unc.1576: dotted news groups | plain |
Re: utcsrgv.125 :Info on PDP12 | plain |
Re: watmath.2063: cancel rabbit.302 | plain |
Re: what's a foobar? | plain |
Re: what's foobar? | plain |
Re: what's foobar? | plain |
Re: what's foobar? | plain |
Re: working PALASM source? | plain |
Re: you feel a sense of loss | plain |
Reading Newsnet | plain |
Reading Newsnet (uiucdcs.150 followup) | plain |
Recomendations for Color Television | plain |
Recomendations for Color Television (npois.109 followup) | plain |
Recommendations for Color TV | plain |
Regularizing Regular Expressions | plain |
Request for Info | plain |
Request for info on Video Projectors | plain |
Request for info on crystallographic programs on UNIX | plain |
Request for software | plain |
Research | plain |
Research Abstracts Newsgroup | plain |
Robotics | plain |
Run VMS Binaries | plain |
SNOBOL4 | plain |
Scientific Donaldists | plain |
Search for a UNIX Cobol | plain |
Security | plain |
Segmentation fault in UUCICO | plain |
Shasta dialin numbers: correction | plain |
Shortwave broadcasts relevant to the Falklands dispute | plain |
Simula or Smalltalk for | plain |
Simula under Unix? | plain |
Simulation under UNIX | plain |
Site registration | plain |
Software Tools Users Group (quote without comment) | plain |
Special Interest Groups at USENIX | plain |
Special computer issue | plain |
Speeding up 34s | plain |
Spitbol | plain |
Spring Cleaning | plain |
Stage2 | plain |
Stanford U. ID Query | plain |
Stat. Processing | plain |
Sultan - new Usenet member | plain |
Switching MUXs | plain |
TA11 | plain |
TECO | plain |
TECO | plain |
TEST | plain |
TEX and Metafont | plain |
TEX and Metafont | plain |
TEX and Metafont | plain |
TMS 9900 or TMS 99000 | plain |
TMS 9900 or TMS 99000 High Level Language | plain |
Ted Nelson | plain |
Ted Nelson & Xanadu | plain |
Ted Nelson? | plain |
Teklabs joins the Net | plain |
Tekmdp Joins The Net | plain |
Tekronix graphics | plain |
Termcap query | plain |
Terminal | plain |
Terminal Rental in the Boston/Vermont Area | plain |
Test | plain |
Test | plain |
Test | plain |
Testing | plain |
Texas UNIX users conference | plain |
Thank You Dennis | plain |
The English Language | plain |
The Naming of UNIX | plain |
The Real World | plain |
The Truth About UNIX -- not a flame | plain |
The VMUNIX Blues | plain |
The etymology of dsw | plain |
The next language | plain |
The truth about datamat!rumor | plain |
To Mark Horton | plain |
Tools Newsgroup | plain |
Travelers Newsgroup | plain |
Traveller's Newsgroup | plain |
Two Computer Related Queries | plain |
UCBVAX takes a vacation | plain |
UCSD Pascal II.0 | plain |
UNC victory | plain |
UNIX | plain |
UNIX APLs | plain |
UNIX III | plain |
UNIX III educational discount | plain |
UNIX Instructor Consultant Position Available | plain |
UNIX Treasure Hunt (with great prizes!!) | plain |
UNIX and RT-11 | plain |
UNIX for Beginners | plain |
UNIX in Milwaukee? | plain |
UNIX on RK07 | plain |
UNIX taking over the world? | plain |
UNIX/6000 | plain |
USENET Directory | plain |
USENET connection at Pitt | plain |
USENET directory | plain |
USENET directory | plain |
USENET map | plain |
USENET map | plain |
USENET_maps | plain |
USENIX | plain |
USENIX letter from J. Donnelly reprinted from net.usenix (by pop. demand) | plain |
USENIX othello(r) tourney | plain |
UUCP Site Query | plain |
UUCP connections | plain |
UUCP gateway | plain |
UUCP gateway | plain |
UUCP protocol | plain |
UUhack | plain |
Unilogic Scribe | plain |
Unix III | plain |
Unix Lookalikes | plain |
Unix Visicalc's --Available Sources | plain |
Unix for DEC PDP-7,9,15 query | plain |
Use of HAYES Smart Modem | plain |
Usenet Logical Map | plain |
Usenet map(s) | plain |
Usenix and /usr/group | plain |
Uucp and news to Berkeley. | plain |
VAX Pascal | plain |
VAX compatibility mode floating point | plain |
VAX compatibility mode floating point | plain |
VISICALC for UNIX? | plain |
VLSI Tools | plain |
VMS lisp query | plain |
VW Rabbit Problem | plain |
Vi Quiz | plain |
Vi Quiz | plain |
Video Vegetables | plain |
Virtual Terminal Info Wanted | plain |
Visi-Calc 'ish??? | plain |
Visicalc on Unix? | plain |
Voltaire and freedom of speech (decvax!duke!bcw follow-up) | plain |
WARNING: There is another system | plain |
WHY?... | plain |
Wang Institue | plain |
Want Ads | plain |
Want ads | plain |
Wanted: Emacs info | plain |
Wanted: Emacs info | plain |
Wanted: Multibus 68000 cards with DMA | plain |
Wanted: RSX Modula-2 | plain |
Wanted: UNIX z80 xasm, loader, etc. | plain |
Watch it!!! | plain |
We are in the Autodailer Market | plain |
Well, What is it? | plain |
What I thoought net.[motorcycle] was | plain |
What if? | plain |
What the...... | plain |
What to do with DV11s | plain |
What, No 3B-knowlegeable folks? | plain |
Where is ... | plain |
Where is Arms Digest | plain |
Where is Textware? | plain |
Where oh where....... | plain |
Whitesmiths for 4bsd | plain |
Who is "esquire"? | plain |
Wither Goes fa.unix-wizards? | plain |
Word Processing Newsgroup | plain |
Word processing group | plain |
Writers Workbench | plain |
XENIX | plain |
YACC legality | plain |
Yet Another New Hierarchical Newsgroup | plain |
Yet Another UNIX Users Group | plain |
a better cb? | plain |
a new USENET map | plain |
a new newsgroup to focus around "computer science education"? | plain |
a real uucp net map | plain |
a.sf-lovers | plain |
abreviating newsgroup names | plain |
access to this network | plain |
accounting program wanted | plain |
adiron - a new usenet site | plain |
adm3a graphics board | plain |
alice returns | plain |
anarchism | plain |
ann arbor ammbassador service in NJ | plain |
annotated bibliography | plain |
announcing new newsgroup fa.teletext | plain |
announcing npois - new system | plain |
announcing u1100s - new system | plain |
any interest in having fa.header-people | plain |
apologies | plain |
attention: usenet site contacts | plain |
attention: users of the curses screen package | plain |
austrailia on UUCP?? | plain |
automatic routing of uucp mail | plain |
aviation | plain |
bbn | plain |
ber changes his password | plain |
bridge newsgroup | plain |
bug in uucp subdirectory enhancement | plain |
cancel alice.401 | plain |
cancel brl-bmd.124 | plain |
cancel brl-bmd.125 | plain |
cancel cbosg.2186 | plain |
cancel cbosgd.2150 | plain |
cancel cmcl2.571 | plain |
cancel dopey.1970 | plain |
cancel druxj.136 | plain |
cancel esquire.233 | plain |
cancel genradbo.103 | plain |
cancel genradbo.110 | plain |
cancel genradbo.113 | plain |
cancel genradbo.118 | plain |
cancel hocda.122 | plain |
cancel houxe.105 | plain |
cancel houxg.118 | plain |
cancel houxp.104 | plain |
cancel ihuxm.129 | plain |
cancel ittvax.193 | plain |
cancel ittvax.194 | plain |
cancel ittvax.195 | plain |
cancel ittvax.196 | plain |
cancel ittvax.197 | plain |
cancel ittvax.198 | plain |
cancel ittvax.242 | plain |
cancel microsof.186 | plain |
cancel microsof.186 | plain |
cancel phonlab.423 | plain |
cancel phonlab.429 | plain |
cancel pur-ee.252 | plain |
cancel pur-ee.253 | plain |
cancel pur-ee.256 | plain |
cancel pur-phy.254 | plain |
cancel pur-phy.256 | plain |
cancel pur-phy.258 | plain |
cancel rabbit.290 | plain |
cancel rabbit.290 | plain |
cancel rabbit.302 | plain |
cancel sri-unix.1157 | plain |
cancel ucbarpa.911 | plain |
cancel ucbarpa.911 | plain |
cancel ucbarpa.913 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.108 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.109 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.115 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.116 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.117 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.118 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.123 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.124 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.128 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.134 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.531 | plain |
cancel ucf-cs.540 | plain |
cancel uicsovax.7001 | plain |
cancel unc.3179 | plain |
cancel unc.3192 | plain |
cancel unc.3209 | plain |
cancel unc.3210 | plain |
cancel unc.3210 | plain |
cancel unc.3216 | plain |
cancel unc.3219 | plain |
cancel unc.3230 | plain |
cancel unc.3298 | plain |
cancel unc.3310 | plain |
cancel unc.3312 | plain |
cancel unc.3376 | plain |
cancel utah-cs.463 | plain |
cancel utcstvax.107 | plain |
cancel utcstvax.110 | plain |
cancel uwvax.319 | plain |
cancel uwvax.320 | plain |
cancel uwvax.322 | plain |
cancel uwvax.325 | plain |
cancel uwvax.326 | plain |
cancel watarts.1245 | plain |
cancel watmath.1909 | plain |
cancel watmath.2051 | plain |
cancel watmath.2071 | plain |
cancel watmath.2074 | plain |
cancel watmath.2077 | plain |
cancel watmath.2237 | plain |
cancel watmath.2238 | plain |
cancel watmath.2363 | plain |
card punch needed | plain |
chain letters on the net | plain |
circuit design systems | plain |
clarification | plain |
columbia - a newsgroup | plain |
computer room door locks? | plain |
connection query | plain |
conspiracy! | plain |
consumer forum (sorry, this started in net.general) | plain |
contact user name | plain |
contact user names | plain |
contact user names | plain |
contact user names | plain |
cooking newsgroup | plain |
csh prompt | plain |
csh quiz | plain |
current usenet map | plain |
curses | plain |
curses library | plain |
database management | plain |
datamat!rumor | plain |
datamat!rumor | plain |
datamat!rumor | plain |
dead baby stories | plain |
debugging microcode in writable control store | plain |
decvax down | plain |
democracy | plain |
democracy | plain |
dialers | plain |
dictionary wanted | plain |
dotted news groups | plain |
dr11's on UNIX? | plain |
dr11-k | plain |
dsw manual page (honest) | plain |
duplicate net.applic message | plain |
duplicate newsgroups | plain |
editor evaluation/comparision | plain |
elementary functions / IEEE arithmetic | plain |
etymology &c | plain |
exchange/area code confusion | plain |
explanation/disclaimer | plain |
f77 info needed | plain |
fa.sflovers gone?? | plain |
fa.sflovers gone?? | plain |
factorial question | plain |
fawn info | plain |
file system interleave parameters | plain |
find command in the /usr/lib/crontab | plain |
first draft of network map | plain |
fixed point arithmetic on VAX | plain |
followup: WARNING: There is another system | plain |
foobar | plain |
forgery | plain |
freedom of the dataways | plain |
freedom of the netwaves ? | plain |
genradbolton : a new usenet site | plain |
giant primes | plain |
grammar | plain |
grammar | plain |
h19 termcap | plain |
home VCR | plain |
how to get to lime. | plain |
hp2623 | plain |
info about acctng pkgs | plain |
info. needed about ucds | plain |
intel/multibus | plain |
into the wild blue yonder | plain |
introducing zeppo | plain |
joint Usenix - /usr/group meeting | plain |
kernel packet driver | plain |
lat & long | plain |
learn script | plain |
letter quality printers | plain |
lime site announcement | plain |
list of usenet newsgroups | plain |
long lines | plain |
looking for Rockford Ross at Washington state U. | plain |
mag tape cleaner needed | plain |
memorandum macro bugs | plain |
minor bug in readnews | plain |
missing person | plain |
modem query | plain |
more boring factorials, be forewarned | plain |
more etymology | plain |
more mess! | plain |
more rumor rumors | plain |
mpx Help wanted | plain |
music/records flame | plain |
name change | plain |
name change | plain |
name flame | plain |
national security? | plain |
net information flow | plain |
net. vs fa. | plain |
net.applic clarifiction | plain |
net.applic, new newsgroup for applicative languages/architectures | plain |
net.applic- applicative languages/architecture news-group proposal | plain |
net.applic-- new newsgroup | plain |
net.applic-- time for some activity | plain |
net.aviation | plain |
net.cooks | plain |
net.db, net.movies, etc. | plain |
net.draw name change | plain |
net.draw name change | plain |
net.food? | plain |
net.games.bridge | plain |
net.garden newsgroup? | plain |
net.general vs net.misc | plain |
net.general vs net.misc | plain |
net.general/net.news | plain |
net.jokes vs net.joke | plain |
net.jokes.q | plain |
net.jokes.q | plain |
net.jokes.q | plain |
net.jokes.q @ HOCC (watmath.1528) | plain |
net.jokes.q @ HOCC (watmath.1528) | plain |
net.jokes.q @ HOCC (watmath.1528) (ittvax.197 followup) | plain |
net.limericks | plain |
net.lsi | plain |
net.misc group? | plain |
net.newsgroups | plain |
net.oa | plain |
net.school (esp. Illinois) | plain |
net.ski | plain |
net.sport.basketball | plain |
net.sport.basketball | plain |
net.test | plain |
net.travel -- a new group for travelers | plain |
net.unix-wizards | plain |
net.video??? | plain |
netnews registration form for npois (finally) | plain |
network mail | plain |
network name change is in effect | plain |
new and renamed newsgroups | plain |
new group ? | plain |
new ham radio news group | plain |
new kid in town | plain |
new net node | plain |
new newsgroup | plain |
new newsgroup | plain |
new newsgroup | plain |
new newsgroup | plain |
new newsgroup for word processors | plain |
new newsgroup idea | plain |
new newsgroup names | plain |
new newsgroup net.movies | plain |
new newsgroup proposal--net.datapac | plain |
new site announcement | plain |
new site on net | plain |
new site on the block | plain |
new site on the net | plain |
new subscription list: net.games | plain |
news group net.sports.hockey? | plain |
news news | plain |
newsgroup idea | plain |
newsgroup names (cbsog.189) | plain |
newsgroup net.test (this is not a test message) | plain |
newspurge bug fix | plain |
nj.general | plain |
not-so-new USENET site | plain |
not.airheads | plain |
nroff macros wanted | plain |
paganism | plain |
parallel algorithms | plain |
pascal anyone? | plain |
path to brown | plain |
path to dec engineering net query | plain |
plato and USENET | plain |
please establish local news groups in sys files | plain |
posting bug fixes with diffs | plain |
posting to multiple news groups | plain |
printer info request | plain |
problem with mailing replies | plain |
proposed new fa group for Franz Lisp | plain |
proposed new newsgroups | plain |
query about long unames | plain |
rdb - new site | plain |
re: Dr. Dijkstra Speaks | plain |
re: dsw etymology | plain |
re:The English Language | plain |
reading a notesfile article | plain |
readnews bug | plain |
rebuilding .nindex files that vanish | plain |
relational DBMS for Unix | plain |
replying to news | plain |
replying to news | plain |
replying to news | plain |
request for AAA formfill help | plain |
request for AAA formfill help | plain |
request for info | plain |
request for plotting programs | plain |
routing algorithm | plain |
sf-lovers query | plain |
sii site announcement | plain |
softadm | plain |
softadm | plain |
softadm | plain |
speech synthesis | plain |
standard 2.8bsd with bug fixes | plain |
submitting news | plain |
system.monitoring | plain |
termcap query | plain |
termcap request | plain |
test | plain |
test | plain |
to all neuroscientists | plain |
top-level list gets everything under it | plain |
track ball inquiry | plain |
troff and the Harris 4000 | plain |
troff for a Mergenthaler | plain |
trouble submitting article | plain |
tu58 | plain |
tu58 driver needed | plain |
ucbvax was off usenet for a while | plain |
ucbvax!philabs? | plain |
umodem | plain |
unbalanced fan | plain |
unbalanced fan | plain |
unibus thermometer? | plain |
unices | plain |
unix person needed | plain |
unix-wizards | plain |
unix.wizards | plain |
unsigned news | plain |
use of net.general | plain |
usenet site dukgeri | plain |
utah-cs - New Usenet Site | plain |
utzoo changes address | plain |
uucp file prefixes | plain |
uucp info | plain |
uux junk mail | plain |
vc | plain |
version numbers? | plain |
visual 300 terminal | plain |
vlsi newsgroup | plain |
voiceprint work? | plain |
watmath site announcement | plain |
what is a glob? | plain |
what was net.db supposed to stand for anyway? | plain |
what's foobar? | plain |
where is 'MSU Today'? | plain |
word processor query | plain |
working PALASM source? | plain |
yippee for Usenet | plain |
you feel a sense of loss | plain |
z80 to 8086 assembly converter | plain |
zoom follow-up | plain |
zoom lenses | plain |