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Gopher: NET.general

 *   Source Code Control System Questionaireplain
 *   f77 compiler to generate overlay codeplain
 *  "Dijkstra and the USENET map"plain
 *  "NewsNet"plain
 *  "TED" a Unix editor.plain
 *  'Tools' Newsgroupplain
 *  (request) PERT and GANTT toolsplain
 *  /usr/group queryplain
 *  11/34 Unixplain
 *  11/44 float bugplain
 *  11/70 Real Time (?) Memory Mapplain
 *  1982 Symposium on Security and Privacyplain
 *  2623.plot.pkgplain
 *  2nd Followup on long .newsrc filesplain
 *  3-complain
 *  6502 compilerplain
 *  6800 "C"?plain
 *  6800 assemblerplain
 *  68000 SBCsplain
 *  68000 code generatorplain
 *  68000 sbc replyplain
 *  750 tu58plain
 *  8085 assembler for UNIX?plain
 *  81.10.06_utzoo.1009_net.generalplain
 *  81.11.16_duke.1380_net.generalplain
 *  82.05.06_floyd.201_net.generalplain
 *  990/9900 Cross-compiler ?plain
 *  A User Guide to the UNIX Systemplain
 *  A driver for ...plain
 *  A new newsgroup about wines and spiritsplain
 *  A note from the Boss up Nawthplain
 *  A ski newsgroup?plain
 *  ADE 512 queryplain
 *  ALGOL for UNIXplain
 *  APL group formedplain
 *  ARPA gatewayplain
 *  ARPAVAX Lost-Lines Bugplain
 *  ARPAnet mail format standardsplain
 *  AT&T settles with Governmentplain
 *  Acctng Pkg Info Wantedplain
 *  Ada compiler for VAXplain
 *  Ada compiler for VAX and PDP-11plain
 *  Administrative License?plain
 *  An Audio Questionplain
 *  An explanationplain
 *  Announcing net.lang.aplplain
 *  Announcing utah-grplain
 *  Any curses users out there?plain
 *  Anyone have a voting program??plain
 *  Apology re unc.1688: USENET mapplain
 *  Archive packingplain
 *  Arpanet INFO-VAX listplain
 *  Array Processorsplain
 *  Asms for 1802 or 9900plain
 *  Attention SCA membersplain
 *  Attn: curses.h usersplain
 *  Audio, Klipschplain
 *  Austin USENIX Conference Sumaryplain
 *  BASIC under UNIX?plain
 *  BLFP and unix-cpmplain
 *  BLFP distributionplain
 *  BMD70 Host name changeplain
 *  BRL now on the Netplain
 *  Bad Englishplain
 *  Basic anyone?plain
 *  Bell Labs Free Pressplain
 *  Bell Labs Free Pressplain
 *  Bell.whatever dead?plain
 *  Berkeley Unix Path Pascalplain
 *  Berkeley's Berknet problem resolved.plain
 *  Better than Rogueplain
 *  Bikers to USENIXplain
 *  Bill Shannon Leaving?plain
 *  Billy Joe McAllistar and Friendsplain
 *  Billy Joe McAllistar and Friends (allegra.200 followup)plain
 *  Birding anyone?plain
 *  Birding newsgroupplain
 *  Book reportplain
 *  Book searchplain
 *  Bootleg copies of Human-nets Digest.plain
 *  Breakthroughplain
 *  Bronx H.S of Science Class '50plain
 *  Brown University - Are You There?plain
 *  Brunix Are You There?plain
 *  Bugs in referplain
 *  C Beautificationplain
 *  C Compilerplain
 *  C Compiler Test Suite Queryplain
 *  C compiler documentationplain
 *  CAD-CAM Softwareplain
 *  CAI Softwareplain
 *  CB radioplain
 *  CIRES joins USENETplain
 *  CMU VLSI proceedingsplain
 *  CMU VLSI proceedings, optical mouseplain
 *  CRC-16 routineplain
 *  CSNET info available?plain
 *  CSRGplain
 *  Cellular Automata anyone?plain
 *  Censorship Discussionsplain
 *  Chromatics 7900plain
 *  Cincy goes on an austerity programplain
 *  Clarkson College Alumniplain
 *  Columbia Articlesplain
 *  Come on!plain
 *  Commercial Newsplain
 *  Commercial Unix timeplain
 *  Comp.Sci.Ed. newsgroup?plain
 *  Computer Crimeplain
 *  Computer Graphics NOVAplain
 *  Computer Song Appealplain
 *  Conferencing, Security, and Thinkingplain
 *  Confusion & The USENET Mapplain
 *  Consumer forumplain
 *  Consumer forum reply to Andyplain
 *  Copyrights and USENET - continued from net.spaceplain
 *  Correctionplain
 *  Correction on Factorial Functionplain
 *  Cray C Compilerplain
 *  D&Dplain
 *  DAEMON etymologyplain
 *  DAEMON etymologyplain
 *  DBMSplain
 *  DEAFNet queryplain
 *  DEC WARSplain
 *  DEC on Usenetplain
 *  DEC to announce VAX 730 this monthplain
 *  DG 200 termcapplain
 *  DMC hardware fixplain
 *  DSW revisitedplain
 *  Database systems on Unixplain
 *  Decree on net.mcplain
 *  Defy rabbit riders! Defy suba scoopers! Create the following new groupplain
 *  Digital audioplain
 *  Do you know the source?plain
 *  Dr. Dijkstra speaks...plain
 *  Dreaded Simultaneous creation of Newsgroupsplain
 *  EA6 ECM frequency band querry?plain
 *  EMACS tutorialplain
 *  EMACS tutorials neededplain
 *  EUNICE queryplain
 *  EUNICE questionaireplain
 *  EUNICE reportplain
 *  East Coast Bookseeler with the Intro to Unix Bookplain
 *  Employmentplain
 *  Emulax CS11plain
 *  Etomology of UNIXplain
 *  Etymology of DAEMONplain
 *  Eunice Newsgroupplain
 *  Eunice news groupplain
 *  Ex documentationplain
 *  Expanded memory from ABLEplain
 *  Explanation pleaseplain
 *  FP cancelledplain
 *  Factorial Queryplain
 *  Factorial Queryplain
 *  Factorial Query (repl. to mhtsa!research!sjb)plain
 *  Fawlty Towersplain
 *  Floating point infoplain
 *  Floyd will be offile for a few daysplain
 *  Foobarplain
 *  Forcing uucp pollsplain
 *  Formation of net.railroadplain
 *  Free speech, constitutional rights, and USENETplain
 *  Freedom of the netwavesplain
 *  From notesfile net.general at harpoplain
 *  From notesfile net.general at uicsovaxplain
 *  From notesfile net.general at uicsovaxplain
 *  Functional Programming Language Implementationplain
 *  Generatorsplain
 *  German <---> English Dictionaryplain
 *  Give Us a Break!plain
 *  Grammarplain
 *  Grammar Response Digestplain
 *  Grammar: one moreplain
 *  Graphic Plotterplain
 *  Graphics Software Queryplain
 *  HCR: Where are you?plain
 *  HELLO from uiucdcsplain
 *  HELPplain
 *  HELP! uucp run amuck!plain
 *  HP2621B TERMCAP requestplain
 *  Happy Birthdayplain
 *  Hayes Smartmodem Help?plain
 *  Hello Usenetplain
 *  Hello Worldplain
 *  Helvetica Fonts for Vtroff?plain
 *  Hill Street Blues queryplain
 *  Home Office Deduction Calculationplain
 *  Home Office Depreciation Answerplain
 *  Home VCR'splain
 *  How Longplain
 *  How to reply to articles via mail?plain
 *  Huh?plain
 *  I need your sys filesplain
 *  I thought NET was dead?plain
 *  IBM lanplain
 *  IBM local netplain
 *  IBM netplain
 *  IEEE 488 bus on VAXplain
 *  IEH-11 driver neededplain
 *  ISAM for Unixplain
 *  If Multics is UNIX' grandparent, what is its child's name?plain
 *  Ignore thisplain
 *  Info needed on SI disk systems under 4.1 BSDplain
 *  Info on PDP12 servicabilityplain
 *  Informer info wantedplain
 *  Intel 8048plain
 *  Intel 8051plain
 *  Interactive Text Formatterplain
 *  Is U. of Penn. out there?plain
 *  J Gosling Address?plain
 *  Job postingplain
 *  Joe Hunt's net address?plain
 *  L. A. Timesplain
 *  LL(1) Grammar for Pascal?plain
 *  List of Newsgroupsplain
 *  List or newsgroup of S users - data analysisplain
 *  Local area network groupplain
 *  Local area network groupplain
 *  Local area networksplain
 *  Loglanplain
 *  Loglanplain
 *  Loglanplain
 *  Loglanplain
 *  Loglan personsplain
 *  Long .newsrc fileplain
 *  Long .newsrc file followupplain
 *  Look what cat drug in...plain
 *  Looking for 6809 Development Toolsplain
 *  Looking for a UNIX PASCALplain
 *  Looking for a netnews donor for Shastaplain
 *  MESA Queryplain
 *  MH Mail Hooks in Newsplain
 *  MHCC USENET Directoryplain
 *  MIT Jargon Dictionaryplain
 *  Mail interface to netnewsplain
 *  Mail interface to netnewsplain
 *  Mailers for Dec-10plain
 *  Mailers for a DEC-10plain
 *  Marshall Dodge (Bert and I) obituaryplain
 *  Math newsgroup?plain
 *  Medicine newsgroupplain
 *  Messages to the UK.plain
 *  Misuse of ARPANETplain
 *  Modem Encodingplain
 *  Moderated Newsgroupsplain
 *  Modula-2 compiler neededplain
 *  Modula-2 for Vaxplain
 *  Monopoliesplain
 *  Monopolyplain
 *  Monopoly (followup)plain
 *  More Truth about datamat!rumorplain
 *  More on net.[motorcycle]plain
 *  More questionsplain
 *  Multibus-Unibus Interfaceplain
 *  NCARplain
 *  NCSU on USENETplain
 *  NET.blfp newsgroupplain
 *  Name for a newsgroup on spiritous liquorsplain
 *  Nationwide Access to a computerplain
 *  Net.wines now existsplain
 *  Netnews for non-Unix machines?plain
 *  Netnews meets PLATO's notes - from a notesfileplain
 *  Netnews sites in Conn. queryplain
 *  Network Ballotingplain
 *  Network Directory Suggestionplain
 *  Network Mapplain
 *  New Bridge Newsgroupplain
 *  New Disk Driveplain
 *  New Members on the Netplain
 *  New Newsgroupplain
 *  New Newsgroup(?) net.opinion.plain
 *  New Newsgroup, net.drawplain
 *  New Newsgroup?plain
 *  New Siteplain
 *  New Site Infoplain
 *  New USENET Siteplain
 *  New USENET site - watcglplain
 *  New Usenet Siteplain
 *  New Usenet Siteplain
 *  New Usenet Siteplain
 *  New netnews Siteplain
 *  New netnews Siteplain
 *  New news group (fa.railroad)plain
 *  New newsgroupplain
 *  New newsgroupplain
 *  New proposed newsgroupsplain
 *  New siteplain
 *  New siteplain
 *  New site onlineplain
 *  New sitesplain
 *  News Fixed and Group Queryplain
 *  News Site Official Entry Formplain
 *  Newsgroup net.musicplain
 *  Non-discrimination is no jokeplain
 *  Old floating point bugplain
 *  On the new group net.wordprocplain
 *  One Newsgroup Per Article!plain
 *  Origin of fubarplain
 *  Origins of folk historyplain
 *  Overhead Slides anyone ?plain
 *  PCL inquiryplain
 *  PDP-11 Tools for the VAXplain
 *  PERQ like displayplain
 *  PERT under Unix ?plain
 *  PL/M to C?plain
 *  PPC ROMplain
 *  PSU on Usenetplain
 *  Paging Fordham University...plain
 *  Parts for old Dec. Machinesplain
 *  Pascal Plusplain
 *  Pascal Plusplain
 *  Pascal to C?plain
 *  Path to Brown?plain
 *  Performance benchmarksplain
 *  Perkin Elmer Unix Info wantedplain
 *  Phone Number Botchplain
 *  Phone Number Botchplain
 *  Physical Modeling Positionplain
 *  Please clean up the netplain
 *  Please, no more foobar responsesplain
 *  Poor man's auto dialerplain
 *  Position availableplain
 *  Possible ATC Strikeplain
 *  Printronix Softwareplain
 *  Problems with refer, on-line bibliographyplain
 *  Prolog interpreterplain
 *  Public Domain Dictionary?plain
 *  Pur-phy new Usenet memberplain
 *  Query - old net.*bugs articlesplain
 *  Query on Cubic Spline functionplain
 *  Quote without commentplain
 *  RCA Video IVplain
 *  RE: Fubarplain
 *  RE: net.jokes.qplain
 *  RE: net.jokes.q at HOCCplain
 *  RE: net.jokes.q at HOCCplain
 *  RE: net.travel -- a new newsgroupplain
 *  RE:Obnoxious Newlines in Mailplain
 *  RM controllersplain
 *  RUCP?plain
 *  RX01 driver neededplain
 *  Railroadianaplain
 *  Re: UUCP Connection for discussion group UNIX-CPM@UDELplain
 *  Re: Where oh where.......plain
 *  Re: newsgroup fa, net, etc.plain
 *  Re: "Dijkstra and the USENET map"plain
 *  Re: "Dijkstra and the USENET map"plain
 *  Re: "NewsNet"plain
 *  Re: 68000 SBCsplain
 *  Re: A new newsgroup about wines and spiritsplain
 *  Re: Brunix Are You There?plain
 *  Re: CSNET info available?plain
 *  Re: Call for Speakersplain
 *  Re: Consumer forumplain
 *  Re: Consumer forumplain
 *  Re: Contact user names - see net.newsplain
 *  Re: Correction on Factorial Functionplain
 *  Re: Encryptionplain
 *  Re: Factorial Queryplain
 *  Re: Factorial Query (repl. to mhtsa!research!sjb)plain
 *  Re: Grammar9plain
 *  Re: Grammar: one moreplain
 *  Re: Graphic Plotterplain
 *  Re: Home VCR'splain
 *  Re: How long?plain
 *  Re: I thought NET was dead?plain
 *  Re: IBM netplain
 *  Re: Local area networksplain
 *  Re: Loglanplain
 *  Re: Long .newsrc fileplain
 *  Re: Long .newsrc fileplain
 *  Re: Long .newsrc file followupplain
 *  Re: Long .newsrc file followupplain
 *  Re: Modula 2 compilerplain
 *  Re: Monopolyplain
 *  Re: New news group (fa.railroad)plain
 *  Re: News Fixed and Group Queryplain
 *  Re: Non-discrimination is no jokeplain
 *  Re: Non-discrimination is no jokeplain
 *  Re: On the new group net.wordprocplain
 *  Re: Prolog interpreterplain
 *  Re: RE: net.jokes.q at HOCCplain
 *  Re: Re foobarplain
 *  Re: Re foobarplain
 *  Re: Recomendations for Color Television (npois.109 followup)plain
 *  Re: Terminal Rental in the Boston/Vermont Areaplain
 *  Re: Travelers' Newsgroupplain
 *  Re: UNIX IIIs net.games net.news fa.info-terms msgs fa.tcp-ipplain
 *  Re: USENET Directoryplain
 *  Re: USENIX & /usr/group co-meetingplain
 *  Re: UUCP gatewayplain
 *  Re: Unibus Thermometerplain
 *  Re: Usenix and /usr/groupplain
 *  Re: Video Vegetablesplain
 *  Re: Voltaire and freedom of speech (decvax!duke!bcw follow-up)plain
 *  Re: WARNING: There is another systemplain
 *  Re: Want adsplain
 *  Re: Want adsplain
 *  Re: We are in the Autodialer Marketplain
 *  Re: What the......plain
 *  Re: Where oh where.......plain
 *  Re: Wither Goes fa.unix-wizards?plain
 *  Re: a new newsgroup to focus around "computer science education"?plain
 *  Re: a new newsgroup to focus around "computer science education"?plain
 *  Re: abreviating newsgroup namesplain
 *  Re: access to this networkplain
 *  Re: alice.252: net.limericksplain
 *  Re: anarchismplain
 *  Re: conspiracy!plain
 *  Re: contact user namesplain
 *  Re: contact user namesplain
 *  Re: contact user namesplain
 *  Re: contact user namesplain
 *  Re: cooking newsgroupplain
 *  Re: cooking newsgroupplain
 *  Re: cooking newsgroupplain
 *  Re: dead baby storiesplain
 *  Re: debugging microcode in writable control storeplain
 *  Re: decvax.182: Usenix and /usr/groupplain
 *  Re: democracy !fa.arms-d !fa.energy !fa.info-cpm !fa.poli-sciplain
 *  Re: eiss.200: Etomology of UNIXplain
 *  Re: freedom of the netwaves ?plain
 *  Re: freedom of the netwaves ?plain
 *  Re: freedom of the netwaves ?plain
 *  Re: grammarplain
 *  Re: grammarplain
 *  Re: ihuxn.102: One Newsgroup Per Article!plain
 *  Re: lime.118: Local area network groupplain
 *  Re: mh3bs.135: net.video???plain
 *  Re: mitccc.103: Re: "Dijkstra and the USENET map"plain
 *  Re: mitccc.103: Re: "Dijkstra and the USENET map"plain
 *  Re: more boring factorials, be forewarnedplain
 *  Re: more mess!plain
 *  Re: more mess!plain
 *  Re: net. vs fa.plain
 *  Re: net.db, net.movies, etc.plain
 *  Re: net.db, net.movies, etc.plain
 *  Re: net.jokes.q at HOCCplain
 *  Re: net.jokes.q at HOCCplain
 *  Re: net.limericksplain
 *  Re: net.limericksplain
 *  Re: net.limericksplain
 *  Re: net.misc group?plain
 *  Re: net.misc group?plain
 *  Re: net.sport.basketballplain
 *  Re: new newsgroupplain
 *  Re: new newsgroupplain
 *  Re: new newsgroupplain
 *  Re: new newsgroup for word processorsplain
 *  Re: new newsgroup for word processorsplain
 *  Re: new newsgroup for word processorsplain
 *  Re: new newsgroup for word processorsplain
 *  Re: new newsgroup for word processorsplain
 *  Re: new newsgroup for word processorsplain
 *  Re: paganismplain
 *  Re: query about long unamesplain
 *  Re: query about long unamesplain
 *  Re: school.xxxplain
 *  Re: softadmplain
 *  Re: tekmdp.206: not.airheadsplain
 *  Re: unc.1576: dotted news groupsplain
 *  Re: utcsrgv.125 :Info on PDP12plain
 *  Re: watmath.2063: cancel rabbit.302plain
 *  Re: what's a foobar?plain
 *  Re: what's foobar?plain
 *  Re: what's foobar?plain
 *  Re: what's foobar?plain
 *  Re: working PALASM source?plain
 *  Re: you feel a sense of lossplain
 *  Reading Newsnetplain
 *  Reading Newsnet (uiucdcs.150 followup)plain
 *  Recomendations for Color Televisionplain
 *  Recomendations for Color Television (npois.109 followup)plain
 *  Recommendations for Color TVplain
 *  Regularizing Regular Expressionsplain
 *  Request for Infoplain
 *  Request for info on Video Projectorsplain
 *  Request for info on crystallographic programs on UNIXplain
 *  Request for softwareplain
 *  Researchplain
 *  Research Abstracts Newsgroupplain
 *  Roboticsplain
 *  Run VMS Binariesplain
 *  SNOBOL4plain
 *  Scientific Donaldistsplain
 *  Search for a UNIX Cobolplain
 *  Securityplain
 *  Segmentation fault in UUCICOplain
 *  Shasta dialin numbers: correctionplain
 *  Shortwave broadcasts relevant to the Falklands disputeplain
 *  Simula or Smalltalk forplain
 *  Simula under Unix?plain
 *  Simulation under UNIXplain
 *  Site registrationplain
 *  Software Tools Users Group (quote without comment)plain
 *  Special Interest Groups at USENIXplain
 *  Special computer issueplain
 *  Speeding up 34splain
 *  Spitbolplain
 *  Spring Cleaningplain
 *  Stage2plain
 *  Stanford U. ID Queryplain
 *  Stat. Processingplain
 *  Sultan - new Usenet memberplain
 *  Switching MUXsplain
 *  TA11plain
 *  TECOplain
 *  TECOplain
 *  TESTplain
 *  TEX and Metafontplain
 *  TEX and Metafontplain
 *  TEX and Metafontplain
 *  TMS 9900 or TMS 99000plain
 *  TMS 9900 or TMS 99000 High Level Languageplain
 *  Ted Nelsonplain
 *  Ted Nelson & Xanaduplain
 *  Ted Nelson?plain
 *  Teklabs joins the Netplain
 *  Tekmdp Joins The Netplain
 *  Tekronix graphicsplain
 *  Termcap queryplain
 *  Terminalplain
 *  Terminal Rental in the Boston/Vermont Areaplain
 *  Testplain
 *  Testplain
 *  Testplain
 *  Testingplain
 *  Texas UNIX users conferenceplain
 *  Thank You Dennisplain
 *  The English Languageplain
 *  The Naming of UNIXplain
 *  The Real Worldplain
 *  The Truth About UNIX -- not a flameplain
 *  The VMUNIX Bluesplain
 *  The etymology of dswplain
 *  The next languageplain
 *  The truth about datamat!rumorplain
 *  To Mark Hortonplain
 *  Tools Newsgroupplain
 *  Travelers Newsgroupplain
 *  Traveller's Newsgroupplain
 *  Two Computer Related Queriesplain
 *  UCBVAX takes a vacationplain
 *  UCSD Pascal II.0plain
 *  UNC victoryplain
 *  UNIXplain
 *  UNIX APLsplain
 *  UNIX IIIplain
 *  UNIX III educational discountplain
 *  UNIX Instructor Consultant Position Availableplain
 *  UNIX Treasure Hunt (with great prizes!!)plain
 *  UNIX and RT-11plain
 *  UNIX for Beginnersplain
 *  UNIX in Milwaukee?plain
 *  UNIX on RK07plain
 *  UNIX taking over the world?plain
 *  UNIX/6000plain
 *  USENET Directoryplain
 *  USENET connection at Pittplain
 *  USENET directoryplain
 *  USENET directoryplain
 *  USENET mapplain
 *  USENET mapplain
 *  USENET_mapsplain
 *  USENIXplain
 *  USENIX letter from J. Donnelly reprinted from net.usenix (by pop. demand)plain
 *  USENIX othello(r) tourneyplain
 *  UUCP Site Queryplain
 *  UUCP connectionsplain
 *  UUCP gatewayplain
 *  UUCP gatewayplain
 *  UUCP protocolplain
 *  UUhackplain
 *  Unilogic Scribeplain
 *  Unix IIIplain
 *  Unix Lookalikesplain
 *  Unix Visicalc's --Available Sourcesplain
 *  Unix for DEC PDP-7,9,15 queryplain
 *  Use of HAYES Smart Modemplain
 *  Usenet Logical Mapplain
 *  Usenet map(s)plain
 *  Usenix and /usr/groupplain
 *  Uucp and news to Berkeley.plain
 *  VAX Pascalplain
 *  VAX compatibility mode floating pointplain
 *  VAX compatibility mode floating pointplain
 *  VISICALC for UNIX?plain
 *  VLSI Toolsplain
 *  VMS lisp queryplain
 *  VW Rabbit Problemplain
 *  Vi Quizplain
 *  Vi Quizplain
 *  Video Vegetablesplain
 *  Virtual Terminal Info Wantedplain
 *  Visi-Calc 'ish???plain
 *  Visicalc on Unix?plain
 *  Voltaire and freedom of speech (decvax!duke!bcw follow-up)plain
 *  WARNING: There is another systemplain
 *  WHY?...plain
 *  Wang Institueplain
 *  Want Adsplain
 *  Want adsplain
 *  Wanted: Emacs infoplain
 *  Wanted: Emacs infoplain
 *  Wanted: Multibus 68000 cards with DMAplain
 *  Wanted: RSX Modula-2plain
 *  Wanted: UNIX z80 xasm, loader, etc.plain
 *  Watch it!!!plain
 *  We are in the Autodailer Marketplain
 *  Well, What is it?plain
 *  What I thoought net.[motorcycle] wasplain
 *  What if?plain
 *  What the......plain
 *  What to do with DV11splain
 *  What, No 3B-knowlegeable folks?plain
 *  Where is ...plain
 *  Where is Arms Digestplain
 *  Where is Textware?plain
 *  Where oh where.......plain
 *  Whitesmiths for 4bsdplain
 *  Who is "esquire"?plain
 *  Wither Goes fa.unix-wizards?plain
 *  Word Processing Newsgroupplain
 *  Word processing groupplain
 *  Writers Workbenchplain
 *  XENIXplain
 *  YACC legalityplain
 *  Yet Another New Hierarchical Newsgroupplain
 *  Yet Another UNIX Users Groupplain
 *  a better cb?plain
 *  a new USENET mapplain
 *  a new newsgroup to focus around "computer science education"?plain
 *  a real uucp net mapplain
 *  a.sf-loversplain
 *  abreviating newsgroup namesplain
 *  access to this networkplain
 *  accounting program wantedplain
 *  adiron - a new usenet siteplain
 *  adm3a graphics boardplain
 *  alice returnsplain
 *  anarchismplain
 *  ann arbor ammbassador service in NJplain
 *  annotated bibliographyplain
 *  announcing new newsgroup fa.teletextplain
 *  announcing npois - new systemplain
 *  announcing u1100s - new systemplain
 *  any interest in having fa.header-peopleplain
 *  apologiesplain
 *  attention: usenet site contactsplain
 *  attention: users of the curses screen packageplain
 *  austrailia on UUCP??plain
 *  automatic routing of uucp mailplain
 *  aviationplain
 *  bbnplain
 *  ber changes his passwordplain
 *  bridge newsgroupplain
 *  bug in uucp subdirectory enhancementplain
 *  cancel alice.401plain
 *  cancel brl-bmd.124plain
 *  cancel brl-bmd.125plain
 *  cancel cbosg.2186plain
 *  cancel cbosgd.2150plain
 *  cancel cmcl2.571plain
 *  cancel dopey.1970plain
 *  cancel druxj.136plain
 *  cancel esquire.233plain
 *  cancel genradbo.103plain
 *  cancel genradbo.110plain
 *  cancel genradbo.113plain
 *  cancel genradbo.118plain
 *  cancel hocda.122plain
 *  cancel houxe.105plain
 *  cancel houxg.118plain
 *  cancel houxp.104plain
 *  cancel ihuxm.129plain
 *  cancel ittvax.193plain
 *  cancel ittvax.194plain
 *  cancel ittvax.195plain
 *  cancel ittvax.196plain
 *  cancel ittvax.197plain
 *  cancel ittvax.198plain
 *  cancel ittvax.242plain
 *  cancel microsof.186plain
 *  cancel microsof.186plain
 *  cancel phonlab.423plain
 *  cancel phonlab.429plain
 *  cancel pur-ee.252plain
 *  cancel pur-ee.253plain
 *  cancel pur-ee.256plain
 *  cancel pur-phy.254plain
 *  cancel pur-phy.256plain
 *  cancel pur-phy.258plain
 *  cancel rabbit.290plain
 *  cancel rabbit.290plain
 *  cancel rabbit.302plain
 *  cancel sri-unix.1157plain
 *  cancel ucbarpa.911plain
 *  cancel ucbarpa.911plain
 *  cancel ucbarpa.913plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.108plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.109plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.115plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.116plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.117plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.118plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.123plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.124plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.128plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.134plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.531plain
 *  cancel ucf-cs.540plain
 *  cancel uicsovax.7001plain
 *  cancel unc.3179plain
 *  cancel unc.3192plain
 *  cancel unc.3209plain
 *  cancel unc.3210plain
 *  cancel unc.3210plain
 *  cancel unc.3216plain
 *  cancel unc.3219plain
 *  cancel unc.3230plain
 *  cancel unc.3298plain
 *  cancel unc.3310plain
 *  cancel unc.3312plain
 *  cancel unc.3376plain
 *  cancel utah-cs.463plain
 *  cancel utcstvax.107plain
 *  cancel utcstvax.110plain
 *  cancel uwvax.319plain
 *  cancel uwvax.320plain
 *  cancel uwvax.322plain
 *  cancel uwvax.325plain
 *  cancel uwvax.326plain
 *  cancel watarts.1245plain
 *  cancel watmath.1909plain
 *  cancel watmath.2051plain
 *  cancel watmath.2071plain
 *  cancel watmath.2074plain
 *  cancel watmath.2077plain
 *  cancel watmath.2237plain
 *  cancel watmath.2238plain
 *  cancel watmath.2363plain
 *  card punch neededplain
 *  chain letters on the netplain
 *  circuit design systemsplain
 *  clarificationplain
 *  columbia - a newsgroupplain
 *  computer room door locks?plain
 *  connection queryplain
 *  conspiracy!plain
 *  consumer forum (sorry, this started in net.general)plain
 *  contact user nameplain
 *  contact user namesplain
 *  contact user namesplain
 *  contact user namesplain
 *  cooking newsgroupplain
 *  csh promptplain
 *  csh quizplain
 *  current usenet mapplain
 *  cursesplain
 *  curses libraryplain
 *  database managementplain
 *  datamat!rumorplain
 *  datamat!rumorplain
 *  datamat!rumorplain
 *  dead baby storiesplain
 *  debugging microcode in writable control storeplain
 *  decvax downplain
 *  democracyplain
 *  democracyplain
 *  dialersplain
 *  dictionary wantedplain
 *  dotted news groupsplain
 *  dr11's on UNIX?plain
 *  dr11-kplain
 *  dsw manual page (honest)plain
 *  duplicate net.applic messageplain
 *  duplicate newsgroupsplain
 *  editor evaluation/comparisionplain
 *  elementary functions / IEEE arithmeticplain
 *  etymology &cplain
 *  exchange/area code confusionplain
 *  explanation/disclaimerplain
 *  f77 info neededplain
 *  fa.sflovers gone??plain
 *  fa.sflovers gone??plain
 *  factorial questionplain
 *  fawn infoplain
 *  file system interleave parametersplain
 *  find command in the /usr/lib/crontabplain
 *  first draft of network mapplain
 *  fixed point arithmetic on VAXplain
 *  followup: WARNING: There is another systemplain
 *  foobarplain
 *  forgeryplain
 *  freedom of the datawaysplain
 *  freedom of the netwaves ?plain
 *  genradbolton : a new usenet siteplain
 *  giant primesplain
 *  grammarplain
 *  grammarplain
 *  h19 termcapplain
 *  home VCRplain
 *  how to get to lime.plain
 *  hp2623plain
 *  info about acctng pkgsplain
 *  info. needed about ucdsplain
 *  intel/multibusplain
 *  into the wild blue yonderplain
 *  introducing zeppoplain
 *  joint Usenix - /usr/group meetingplain
 *  kernel packet driverplain
 *  lat & longplain
 *  learn scriptplain
 *  letter quality printersplain
 *  lime site announcementplain
 *  list of usenet newsgroupsplain
 *  long linesplain
 *  looking for Rockford Ross at Washington state U.plain
 *  mag tape cleaner neededplain
 *  memorandum macro bugsplain
 *  minor bug in readnewsplain
 *  missing personplain
 *  modem queryplain
 *  more boring factorials, be forewarnedplain
 *  more etymologyplain
 *  more mess!plain
 *  more rumor rumorsplain
 *  mpx Help wantedplain
 *  music/records flameplain
 *  name changeplain
 *  name changeplain
 *  name flameplain
 *  national security?plain
 *  net information flowplain
 *  net. vs fa.plain
 *  net.applic clarifictionplain
 *  net.applic, new newsgroup for applicative languages/architecturesplain
 *  net.applic- applicative languages/architecture news-group proposalplain
 *  net.applic-- new newsgroupplain
 *  net.applic-- time for some activityplain
 *  net.aviationplain
 *  net.cooksplain
 *  net.db, net.movies, etc.plain
 *  net.draw name changeplain
 *  net.draw name changeplain
 *  net.food?plain
 *  net.games.bridgeplain
 *  net.garden newsgroup?plain
 *  net.general vs net.miscplain
 *  net.general vs net.miscplain
 *  net.general/net.newsplain
 *  net.jokes vs net.jokeplain
 *  net.jokes.qplain
 *  net.jokes.qplain
 *  net.jokes.qplain
 *  net.jokes.q @ HOCC (watmath.1528)plain
 *  net.jokes.q @ HOCC (watmath.1528)plain
 *  net.jokes.q @ HOCC (watmath.1528) (ittvax.197 followup)plain
 *  net.limericksplain
 *  net.lsiplain
 *  net.misc group?plain
 *  net.newsgroupsplain
 *  net.oaplain
 *  net.school (esp. Illinois)plain
 *  net.skiplain
 *  net.sport.basketballplain
 *  net.sport.basketballplain
 *  net.testplain
 *  net.travel -- a new group for travelersplain
 *  net.unix-wizardsplain
 *  net.video???plain
 *  netnews registration form for npois (finally)plain
 *  network mailplain
 *  network name change is in effectplain
 *  new and renamed newsgroupsplain
 *  new group ?plain
 *  new ham radio news groupplain
 *  new kid in townplain
 *  new net nodeplain
 *  new newsgroupplain
 *  new newsgroupplain
 *  new newsgroupplain
 *  new newsgroupplain
 *  new newsgroup for word processorsplain
 *  new newsgroup ideaplain
 *  new newsgroup namesplain
 *  new newsgroup net.moviesplain
 *  new newsgroup proposal--net.datapacplain
 *  new site announcementplain
 *  new site on netplain
 *  new site on the blockplain
 *  new site on the netplain
 *  new subscription list: net.gamesplain
 *  news group net.sports.hockey?plain
 *  news newsplain
 *  newsgroup ideaplain
 *  newsgroup names (cbsog.189)plain
 *  newsgroup net.test (this is not a test message)plain
 *  newspurge bug fixplain
 *  nj.generalplain
 *  not-so-new USENET siteplain
 *  not.airheadsplain
 *  nroff macros wantedplain
 *  paganismplain
 *  parallel algorithmsplain
 *  pascal anyone?plain
 *  path to brownplain
 *  path to dec engineering net queryplain
 *  plato and USENETplain
 *  please establish local news groups in sys filesplain
 *  posting bug fixes with diffsplain
 *  posting to multiple news groupsplain
 *  printer info requestplain
 *  problem with mailing repliesplain
 *  proposed new fa group for Franz Lispplain
 *  proposed new newsgroupsplain
 *  query about long unamesplain
 *  rdb - new siteplain
 *  re: Dr. Dijkstra Speaksplain
 *  re: dsw etymologyplain
 *  re:The English Languageplain
 *  reading a notesfile articleplain
 *  readnews bugplain
 *  rebuilding .nindex files that vanishplain
 *  relational DBMS for Unixplain
 *  replying to newsplain
 *  replying to newsplain
 *  replying to newsplain
 *  request for AAA formfill helpplain
 *  request for AAA formfill helpplain
 *  request for infoplain
 *  request for plotting programsplain
 *  routing algorithmplain
 *  sf-lovers queryplain
 *  sii site announcementplain
 *  softadmplain
 *  softadmplain
 *  softadmplain
 *  speech synthesisplain
 *  standard 2.8bsd with bug fixesplain
 *  submitting newsplain
 *  system.monitoringplain
 *  termcap queryplain
 *  termcap requestplain
 *  testplain
 *  testplain
 *  to all neuroscientistsplain
 *  top-level list gets everything under itplain
 *  track ball inquiryplain
 *  troff and the Harris 4000plain
 *  troff for a Mergenthalerplain
 *  trouble submitting articleplain
 *  tu58plain
 *  tu58 driver neededplain
 *  ucbvax was off usenet for a whileplain
 *  ucbvax!philabs?plain
 *  umodemplain
 *  unbalanced fanplain
 *  unbalanced fanplain
 *  unibus thermometer?plain
 *  unicesplain
 *  unix person neededplain
 *  unix-wizardsplain
 *  unix.wizardsplain
 *  unsigned newsplain
 *  use of net.generalplain
 *  usenet site dukgeriplain
 *  utah-cs - New Usenet Siteplain
 *  utzoo changes addressplain
 *  uucp file prefixesplain
 *  uucp infoplain
 *  uux junk mailplain
 *  vcplain
 *  version numbers?plain
 *  visual 300 terminalplain
 *  vlsi newsgroupplain
 *  voiceprint work?plain
 *  watmath site announcementplain
 *  what is a glob?plain
 *  what was net.db supposed to stand for anyway?plain
 *  what's foobar?plain
 *  where is 'MSU Today'?plain
 *  word processor queryplain
 *  working PALASM source?plain
 *  yippee for Usenetplain
 *  you feel a sense of lossplain
 *  z80 to 8086 assembly converterplain
 *  zoom follow-upplain
 *  zoom lensesplain

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