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Gopher: NET.sf-lovers

 *  Anybody here?plain
 *  Bladerunnerplain
 *  Darkover novelsplain
 *  Dune Movieplain
 *  Ground Controlplain
 *  I post, therefore I am.plain
 *  Laumer bookplain
 *  Movie Queriesplain
 *  Nebula and Hugo Inquiryplain
 *  New Heinlein Novel is Alive and the Sameplain
 *  New Heinlein bookplain
 *  Re: Anybody here?plain
 *  Re: Darkover novelsplain
 *  Re: Dune Movieplain
 *  Re: Movie Queriesplain
 *  Re: Movie Queriesplain
 *  Re: Nebula and Hugo Inquiryplain
 *  Re: New Heinlein bookplain
 *  Re: New Heinlein bookplain
 *  Re: Reviewplain
 *  Re: Ringworld inconsistencyplain
 *  Re: Ringworld inconsistencyplain
 *  Re: The \"Earthsea Trilogy\"plain
 *  Re: The \"Earthsea Trilogy\"plain
 *  Re: True Namesplain
 *  Re: fa digestsplain
 *  Reviewplain
 *  Ringworld inconsistencyplain
 *  Ringworld inconsistencyplain
 *  THE ONE TREEplain
 *  The "Earthsea Trilogy"plain
 *  The One Treeplain
 *  The One Tree -- A Pun is Presentedplain
 *  Tower of Babelplain
 *  Trilogiesplain
 *  True Namesplain
 *  fa digestsplain
 *  fa.sf-loversplain
 *  predictionsplain
 *  sf moviesplain
 *  testplain

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